The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121570   Message #2657544
Posted By: Ruth Archer
16-Jun-09 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: Boring Folk Day
Subject: RE: Boring Folk Day
I've read it. Despite its decrying of the BNP, it's racist.

Anyone who is daft enough to believe in the twisted statistics produced by white supremacists, including the BNP, really wants a word with themselves.

The BNP talk about whites in Britain being a minority in just a few decades. The sorts of headlines the scream out from their propaganda would lead you to believe that Britain must be at least 40, maybe 45% non-white at this point. Yet what is the reality? Britain is 92% white. Oooh, lock up your daughters! The dark tide of immigration is coming to flood us all!

Yes, certain parts of the country experience more immigration than others, but using such anecdotal situations as the one described as evidence of a wide-reaching "problem" is very dangerous indeed. My daughter's school of 1200, for example, has about a dozen non-white students from what I can tell. Anyone who perpetuates this kind of propaganda really wants to seriously think about their motivation for doing so. "I hate the BNP, but..." is as transparent a statement as "I'm not racist, but..."

"I'm wondering, if this trend continues, just what are we going to do with all the forthcoming taxi drivers, Asian restaurateurs and corner shops?" is a racist quip no matter how you slice it. In fact, statistically the children of Asian immigrants are far more likely to do well at school and attend university, because their communities value and support the education of their children - so your friend might be better off asking what we are going to do with all those doctors, pharmacists and solicitors.

What all this has to do with the Boring Folk Day I have no idea, but life is rather alarmingly imitating art.