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Thread #121446   Message #2658293
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Jun-09 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
Rig's an old friend of mine, Don, and we've shared some good laughs over stuff here on the forum. We often agree, and sometimes we disagree. I think he can take a little satire from me without taking it too seriously and getting bent out of shape over it. He knows perfectly well that I think he has an emotional hangup regarding his unrelenting hostility to religion...and that doesn't throw him off balance one bit. We've discussed it numerous times before, and it hasn't caused either one of us to think ill of the other.

When it's from me to Rig, Don, it's banter. If it was from me to someone else, it might not be, but from me to Rig, it's banter.

I put in the disclaimer about the sarcasm at the end mainly to fend off the odd very literal-minded visitor here who might imagine that I actually mean the things I said there about various groups of people. You never can tell what people will think.