The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2659096
Posted By: jeddy
17-Jun-09 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
AKE,   i am reading the thread the whole way through, but i will continue to post whilst catching up.   

your' arguements so far up until the 1 jan which is where i have gotten to, seem to sway one way then the other, is this because you are listening to others or just because you can't make your' mind up?

i thnk i have an answer, i think that you are scared of being gay yourself, you have been taught that it is a sin and cannot justify your' own feelings towards other men.

it doesn't matter to me but it might be good for your' soul to just come out.   

i have had people like you to condend with for nearly my whole life.
"it's nothing personal i just don't like it"or "it's not "normal".

or worse do you have to explain yourself constantly?

do you have people ask weather you and a woman are sisters?

i still don't understand anyones interest in other peoples sex lives or if you are there plenty of dvds around for you to take an interest in.

leave the public alone and concentrate on your' own lives.

right that is me done for another day,
take care ALL

jade x x x