The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2659680
Posted By: Don Firth
18-Jun-09 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Ake, I can understand what jeddy is saying about gay women often preferring the company of gay men. I knew a young woman at the university who was gay, and during the time I knew her, she had at least three men trying to get her into bed. Their idea was that "All she needs is a good roll in the hay, and that will straighten her out!" And they, of course, appointed themselves to the job.

Around gay men, she wouldn't have had to worry about guys like that constantly hassling her.

And here's another bulletin:   more than one straight woman also prefers the company of gay men for essentially the same reason. They don't want to be hit on all the time.

And jeddy asks the same question that I have been asking all along: "if there was a gay couple living next door to you and they decided to get married, how and why would this affect your' marriage, family or life living next door?"

I keep asking and asking, and no one seems to be willing to answer.

It's a legitimate question and it deserves an answer. If it doesn't come, the only conclusion one can draw is that it would make no difference whatsoever—unless you allowed it to, and then that would be your problem, no one else's.

Don Firth