The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2659788
Posted By: jeddy
18-Jun-09 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
AKE "there has been no evidence presented that the mass of homosexuals are interested in monogamy or "marriage" fact the statistics say the exact opposite! "

i thought half the reason you were against gay marrage was not for the thing itself but because you didn't want these issues being shoved down your throat? ..... well which is it? the fact that a large group of people want to get married and are protesting and marching or that they don't give a toss and don't want a manogamos(?) relationship.    i don't see how you can think both at the same time.

why would someone getting married undermine anyones belief in god?
does the church persectue the marraiges that don't happen in a church, do they deny that those marriages are legal and binding? there are loads of marriage services that have nothing at all to do with religion, but we don't here the church banging on about that, WHY?....because although these people may not be religious they are NORMAL, methinks that gay issues are just an easy target.

i do not deny your' right to think or feel the way you do, i just don't understand why, and you don't seem to be able to anwer my questions in a way that makes any sense to me.

i am not trying to change anyones beliefs or change the church,but i think i have the right to say that i think that the church needs to look at its own behaviour before it tries to condemn mine, if i am willing to listen to those who think i should be in an assylum then i think the least anyone else can do is try to understand who i am and what i beleive in before condeming me.

i do not try to corrpupt kids, i do not start fights, i do not rob anyone or hurt anyone in any way so why can't peope just let me live my life in peace?

take care all

x x