The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4816   Message #26604
Posted By: rosebrook
27-Apr-98 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: Folk songs appropriate for medical students
Subject: RE: Folk songs appropriate for medical students
Miss Lucy had a baby, she named him Tiny Tim.
She put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim.

He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap.
He tried to eat the bathtub, but it wouldn't go down his throat.

Miss Lucy called the doctor, Miss Lucy called the nurse.
Miss Lucy called the lady with the alligator purse.

"Mumps!", said the doctor, "measles!" said the nurse.
___________ said the lady with the alligator purse.

Maybe not the best to operate by, but awfully good for jumping rope! ; )
