The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121678   Message #2660745
Posted By: CarolC
20-Jun-09 - 03:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Operation Cast Lead Explained
Subject: RE: BS: Operation Cast Lead Explained
I never said those people were Israelis, so I really don't know why that person would consider the fact that they were Americans relevant. They were spreading hate, and they belong to the same group as the person started the thread, the person who felt a need to post a thread that could not possibly have any other purpose than to spread hate towards another group. And my point in posting the video was to show that person that pointing fingers at other groups for things that one's own group also does is hypocritical.

I realize some people like to conflate the group that consists of people who are Jewish, and those who support the government of Israel, and to try to make it look like people who oppose what the government of Israel does are criticizing Jews generally, and like they hate Jews, but this is a hasbara tactic that has no basis in truth and is used specifically for the purpose of shutting people up. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see right through it. Please show me a single post of mine in which I have denigrated Jews or expressed hatred of Jews in any form. Criticizing the government of Israel, or the behavior of individual Jews (if that criticism is not couched in terms of their being Jewish) does not qualify as denigration of Jews, any more than criticism of the US South under Jim Crow (or supporters of that institution) or the South African government under apartheid (or supporters of South African apartheid) counts as denigration of White people. But just find me a single post of mine in which I have denigrated Jews as a group, or held all Jews responsible for the behavior of the government of Israel, or indicated any enmity or hatred at all of Jews as a group, or of individual Jews for any reason, and particularly for reason only that they are Jews. Just find me one single post in which I have done any of those things and show it to me. Otherwise, we all know how much credence to lend a person who makes up lies about other people.


On the subject of Jews who have my profound gratitude and respect, I misspoke in my last post. I said that I had not seen any condemnation of the behavior of the people in that video among any members of the Jewish community anywhere. This is incorrect. The people who made the video, along with the owners of the blog where it was first posted online, are all Jews, as are many of the people who offered criticism of the behavior of the people in the video in the comments section of the blog where it first appeared online.

These people, being very publically vocal in their opposition to the Israeli government and its agendas, do not have the support of most of the Jewish community (and some of them, being self-proclaimed anti-Zionists, have been pretty thoroughly chewed up and spit out by a large portion of this community, and the above poster appears to be determined to deny their existance entirely), so I sometimes don't think of them as belonging to any community other than the community of people I identify with - those who are fighting for Palestinians' rights and Palestenian freedom. However, I know that at least one of them does identify very strongly with what he calls "my Jewish community", so I should have phrased my comment differently. I should have said that I hadn't seen any condemnation of that behavior among any members of the Jewish community outside of the Palestinian rights community (among those who support the government of Israel, and those outside the Palestinian rights community, I have seen only criticism of the people who made the video and excuses for the behavior of the people in the video - and I have seen quite a lot of this).