The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92353   Message #2660757
Posted By: AnneMC
20-Jun-09 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: Canadian disaster songs: research project
I love the song on a CD by a group called Gopher Baroque. The song is "Donald and the Phantom Piper":

Donald Sinclair thought his family was doomed. The year was 1856, eight years after the first settlers arrived at what is now Kincardine, Canada, and Sinclair and his family from Skye were hoping to join the swelling population of newcomers. But night was drawing in and their tiny ship was taking on water as it was tossed around on the choppy, treacherous waves of Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes. There was little hope of the immigrant family finding their way to shore and Sinclair feared they could not survive the stormy, freezing night. In despair, he picked up his bagpipes to play one last traditional lament. Their cries for help had been lost in the howling wind - but the haunting sound of the pipes carried across the stormy waters. A Scotsman walking on the rocky shore heard Sinclair's plaintive lament wafting on the wind and ran to get his pipes to play a response; and, with the drones of his trusty pibroch acting like a sound beacon in the dark, the Sinclair family managed to sail safely to the shoreline. For the rest of his life, Sinclair was forever grateful to the energetic, skirling carrying-power of his bagpipes; and every dusk he ritually went down to the Lake Huron shore, regardless of the weather, and played his pipes as the sun set.

D. Stone, J. Grant

The sun is sinking red across the lake,
In the distance the pipers sweetly play
An old love story comes to mind,
Of the ship that was lost in the black of the night
A ship that was lost in the black of the night

Donald Sinclair's name lives well today,
October had sent her mists his way
To a ship out of Goderich sailing north,
His family from the Isle of Skye on board,
His family from the Isle of Skye on board

CHORUS: Close close close was the dark,
the captain heard the beat of his own heart
Cold, cold, cold was the night,
No beacon, star or moon to give them light

Donald went below and fetched his pipes,
On the breath of a prayer they came to life,
On the deck he played a sweet lament,
But in the dark he knew not where it went,
In the dark he knew not where it went

But on the shore the phantom piper heard,
Donald's lament he returned,
So sweetly across the lake,
Donald knew that soon the clouds would break,
Donald knew that soon the clouds would break.


The clouds blew out and the night sky turned clear,
The moon and all her diamond stars appeared,
The captain saw the family home,
Guided by the phantom piper's drone
Guided by the phantom piper's drone.

Now I stand here on Kincardine's golden shore
From eighteen fifty six I hear once more,
The magic in the music of the pipes as
Donald and the phantom piper played,
Donald and the phantom piper played
Donald and the phantom piper played …..

Donald and the phantom piper played,
Donald and the phantom piper played
Donald and the phantom piper played …..