The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120959   Message #2661423
Posted By: VirginiaTam
21-Jun-09 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
Subject: RE: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
Thanks to Fisheye and Fair Maiden of Nottingham for the use of extra bed in caravan.

Last night was bloody cold. I tried to crash about 2am but due to cold, got up shortly before 4am and saw in the sunrise with my partner (TheSilentOne), Crowsister and one other who sadly fell asleep in his chair shortly before. TSO and CS actually saw out the night with a handful of others who trickled away as the wee hours progressed.

Next time I will be better prepared against the cold.

I have come home with either sunburn, windburn or fireburn on my face. I am glowing. So frozen teatowel on my face and long hot soak is the order of the afternoon.

Enjoyed the music and good company and getting to know a few more people.