The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2662199
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Jun-09 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Well, I was referring more in a collective sense to the American population as a group than to you and BB specifically as individuals, Bobert.

What I mean is that Americans, as a nation, are mesmerized by the divide between the Democrats and Republicans, and it keeps them uselessly battling with each other without ever coming up for air...and that is bad for your country. That is "a house divided".

I see no cure for it but an end to the party-dominated political system itself.

Partisan systems divide and permanently cripple a society by turning the citizens against each other and perpetuating those divisions. It's stupid. It's unnecessary. It's counterproductive. It damages true democracy. It's a bad idea. It should never have been done.

James Madison, one of your founding fathers, advised strongly against forming political parties in the newly born USA. He said it would result in the eventual destruction of a truly democratic system and domination of it by special interest groups. He was right.

You have been hijacked by 2 huge gangs of political scoundrels who serve monied special interests. They have divided and conquered you for their own ends.