The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121726 Message #2662404
Posted By: Herga Kitty
22-Jun-09 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: Kitty and Derek Cd launch Herga Monday
Subject: RE: Kitty and Derek Cd launch Herga Monday
Well, we were quite bowled over to see how many people travelled from near and far to see us, and the impressive number of floor singers George managed to fit in, many of whom had just been guesting at Alcester. Huge thanks to the Herga folk club, for letting us nick an Open Night for our CD launch, and we're glad that everyone who wanted to perform was able to.
Hope to see lots of you again at the weekend for Eric Bogle, Martyn Wyndham-Read, Johnny Collins and Les Sullivan at the James Theatre on Saturday.