The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121758 Message #2662586
Posted By: GUEST,Gerry
23-Jun-09 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: Folk Alley 100 Most Essential Folk Songs
Subject: RE: Folk Alley 100 Most Essential Folk Songs
Call 'em folk, call 'em pop, call 'em white North American 1960s - but (speaking as a white North American child of the 60s) I call 'em a list of mostly terrific songs which have been (warning: cliche coming) the soundtrack of my life. A few odd comments:
The "most essential" instrumental appears to be No Regrets, at #48.
I'm happy to see Phil Ochs on the list, but surprised to see There But For Fortune (#25) as his top-ranked song.
Someone spelled Bogle wrong (#40).
I would have found room for Requiem, Eileen McGann.
Goodnight Irene (#15), listed as Weavers (Trad.), was not actually trad, but Leadbelly, no?
Is #58 supposed to be 500 Miles? I don't think I know a PPM song just called Miles.
Interesting that Urge For Going is associated with Tom Rush and not Joni Mitchell.