The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121690   Message #2662613
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
23-Jun-09 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: hurt my guitar to tune it a step high?
Subject: RE: hurt my guitar to tune it a step high?
Thanks, poppa gator. I might give a capo another try.

You are certainly right about the uselessness of the little finger. My little fingers are only 2.5 inches long and very weak. All they are good for is decorating a tea cup. In order to play songs in C on Sunday, I worked out an F chord of my own that doesn't use the little finger.

Like CLW, I would like to learn more about string tension.

Richard Bridge: did you read my post about what actually happened on Sunday? I doubt it. Why don't you find out what happens in the real world before appointing yourself amateur shrink?

Though perhaps instead of shrink I should speak your dialect and say 'trick cyclist.'