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Thread #115854   Message #2663011
Posted By: akenaton
23-Jun-09 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
With the exception of Emma's well crafted post, the last dozen or so have just been a heap of abuse with no value to the debate.

When the pro homosexual marriage "team" hit the rocks(as they have at this point), they assume their default position......doesn't everyone see how naturally they slip into the vicious personal attack mode.
They care about nothing but the small matter of silencing those who don't has now become a personal issue to them....they must not lose face. Well just for information,the last few posts have cost you any credibility that you ever had in this discussion.

In todays Times, Ian McKelleren the actor wrote in defence of homosexual "rights", his argument, or lack of one, was remarkedly similar to the one held by many here......"We are right and you are wrong; and if you continue to disagree or even speak, we will smear you"
The excrement they use is there for all to see in the posts above.
When reason fails to keep their position afloat, the mob mentality takes over.

I have written here for many years, in that time I have never had a post struck by Forum Admin, other than accidental Guest posting.
I never use any other handle than akenaton...and stand by everything I write. If I make a mistake I will immediately offer an apology, and certainly do not spend months arguing my case on threads like this is order to "wind folk up"......grow up Jeddy!