The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121795   Message #2663362
Posted By: Georgiansilver
24-Jun-09 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Being overweight is a good thing.
Subject: RE: BS: Being overweight is a good thing.
I am a great believer in doing what is best for your body... but some of us are so different to others..... encouraging people to be even a little overweight is not to my mind a good idea.
All these fantastic new statistics coming out daily are confusing to say the least for the average person and lack detail....... If I were someone of note... in the right position... I could say tomorrow.... People who have strong legs are likely to be healthier than those with weaker legs...... and I would in fact be right... people who exercise get stronger legs..... so statistics would prove me right........ Just eat a healthy diet... if you don't know what one is then find someone who does..... get plenty of good exercise...... work at being a happy person.... and Hey Presto... by magic... you could live longer.....