The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121795 Message #2663462
Posted By: Bat Goddess
24-Jun-09 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Being overweight is a good thing.
Subject: RE: BS: Being overweight is a good thing.
I don't think that article was meant to encourage most people to put on pounds. What it said was what I've been saying for years -- for the majority of people, being TOO SKINNY is unhealthy. As they've already pointed out, yo-yo dieting is unhealthy too. Being too thin is just as life and health threatening as being too fat.
That being said, I'm still trying, though not at all fanatically, to pare down to a more average weight for my frame. I don't obsess about it or what I eat and try to get as much exercise, too, as I realistically can. It's been helping that I went from a very sedentery occupation (pre-press print production / computer jockey) to optical sales/service. I'm now on my feet most of the day and have to run halfway across Sears to photocopy every Rx.