The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120959   Message #2663653
Posted By: Royston
24-Jun-09 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
Subject: RE: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
I just wanted to thank everyone for a great Knockers again, especially Folkmob organisers for sorting it all out. I get the sense there are some price-issues.

There needn't be; the thing is so cheap that I can't believe it happens at all. Charge a bit more, get some better toilets and it will still be cheap and even more enjoyable.

Suggestions for committee;

Contact the farmer about the water supply. The problem just seems to be leaks. If he can help us to trace the pipes and the leaks and help us with clearing the hedges and thorns to access the damage areas (and maybe for brews and cleaning up afterwards) then I will volunteer to join a working party to fix things up a bit. He might even do it all himself?

Getting the Marquee up is quite easy with available labour on Thursday. A few of us got it done OK this year. We need to agree and secure volunteers, in advance, for striking it on the Sunday. This must the easiest/simplest/fairest option. Regret I had to leave sharpish this year, but that is unusual.

Nobody has been talking out of turn about this (and I am a know-nothing new member to Folkmob) but from bitter experience of these things can I ask whether the committe might think itself too large? It sounds like a cast of thousands when there is not a lot to do, but some things that must be done efficiently. If the board of a large company only needs Chair, Vice-Chair, Finance, Secretary and 2 A.N. Others then that is certainly all that's needed for us, n'est ce pas? I just think that the hard-working folks that step up to do the management should be able to make things as efficient as possible and receive full support from the members.

The toilets were an issue this year, I thought the provider was taking the P*** (no pun intended.) I wonder if we should look elsewhere? I heard that it has been awkward to find companies that can deliver to site reliably (find the field!) but again I would be happy to volunteer to meet the truck at the Tally Ho at an agreed time and lead them up the road. Perhaps others would, I'm sure we could work this stuff out between us.

What's great about Knockers is its "family" a private folk festival. I don't believe in complaining or moaning like its a deficient commercial enterprise, let's get stuck in together and support it?