The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121800   Message #2663662
Posted By: gnu
24-Jun-09 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: SINSULL's New Phone Number
Subject: RE: BS: SINSULL's New Phone Number
I have been lambasted before for saying this, but, if you use a cell, get one with speakerphone (hands-free) and wired headset. Keep telecons with the cell to your ear to a minimum and keep them short. Okay, here's why....

I haven't used one much since the first slice and dice to remove a tumour under my right ear. My cousin does not use one after his emergency surgery to remove an orange sized cancerous tumour under his ear which was pressing on his brain and after the subsequent chemo. The chemo recommended by the "advising doc" cited in the next paragraph was not covered by New Brunswick Medicare or Blue Cross until TWO docs here in Moncton wrote that the chemo required was the only one that would work. It had to be obtained in Switzerland and cost a big pile of money. Blue cross stepped up and paid for it. My cousin is okay.

My cousin's mother phoned the husband of another cousin who is a top notch neurosurgeon at some big university hospital in New England somewhere. His name is Gruber (dunno if that is spelled correctly). He, and a top notch neurosurgeon in California, whose name I can't recall, are buddies. They both say that the studies on cell phones and tumours are inconclusive and they don't give a rat's ass about the studies because they have seen enough of it to know that cell phones are dangerous if you use them a lot.

There, I said it. I'll repeat. Long conversations should be by speaker phone or on a wired head set.

Before anyone lambastes me again, I really don't care what the studies say or what you think. I use my cell for emergencies only... like for, say, if I developed a tremour in my hands or feet and had to get to a hospital quickly to see if such was caused by a tumour.