The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121633   Message #2663975
Posted By: GUEST,Prof: Sigmund Freud
24-Jun-09 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Free The Upper Stoke One
Subject: RE: BS: Free The Upper Stoke One
I thank the Coroner for his report and can now submit my findings regarding the accused, one Ginger The Chicken.

17th June 2009

I carried out several psychological tests upon the chicken.

1/Rorschach test The patient identified every ink blot as an ink blot.

I have carried out the required tests as follows.

1/Rorschach test. The Chicken positively identified all the ink blots as ink blots

2/ The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale - I found the Chicken lacking in any impulsiveness.There was no signs of substance abuse.

3/The Robin Hood test.

I found the chicken to be of sound mind with no psychopathalogical tendencies.
The Robin Hood test

S. Freud