The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23717   Message #266399
Posted By: Mark Cohen
28-Jul-00 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: Sweet Magical Songs Needed
Subject: RE: Sweet Magical Songs Needed
Hey, On Your Way Home is in the DT! No tune, though. (I have this sneaking suspicion I may have posted it there, cause it has my initials at the bottom. But I don't remember doing it at all. Please, somebody tell me you did it and my memory is not totally failing...) It was written by Luther Schutz, who is an emergency physician in Washington state. (I used to know the name of the town he's in, too....) Anyway, I'm always partial to songs written by doctors. But it is a truly wonderful song, that I first heard sung by Richard Scholtz and members of Motherlode at the Puget Sound Guitar Workshop in 1986. It's worth learning if you can find the music.

I'll get to my songbooks soon and give you some other ideas. And thanks for the kind words. Even an old folkie/fogey can get the Starship reference! Or was that still Airplane...?
