The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120959   Message #2664191
Posted By: Lady Raffles
25-Jun-09 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
Subject: RE: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
Some very helpful ideas and suggestions Royston thanks, I think Mick is going to give you a ring. Yes the toilets were an issue this year, in fact they were appalling in the end Adeloo only charged us for two (a reduction of £120) after initially offering us a 10% discount as a way of making amends, needless to say we won't be using them again. We've got the contact details now for the company that supplied the loos for Pigs Ear so we'll make some enquiries there, I think now when most people have sat navs finding the field won't be the problem it was about twelve years ago when we first graduated from one camping loo in a tent to proper on-site toilets, It took them about 4 years of getting lost before they eventually remembered where we were.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves I know I did, I also learnt somethig very useful thanks to Linda - rice can be cooked to perfection in water that never boils.

For those of you who know and love (or hate) Casper his results came back on Tuesday and he's got lymphoma he started his treatment yesterday so hopefully he'll hang around long enough to squeeze in another Knockers in September, so be warned hang on to your bangers! for those who don't know Casper I should probably add that he's a dog.