The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2664695
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
25-Jun-09 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
""I still have not seen a wedding or engagement announcement but don't check very often." This seems to bear out results from other areas and reinforces my view that the vast majority of homosexuals are not interested in "marriage" or monogamy and the issue is simply being used as by activists as a "normalisation device", and will not bring down promiscuity rates among homosexuals.""

KB in Iowa said:-

""And another thing ake. When you do quote me correctly you take my very small sample of a very small sample and turn it into a blanket "the vast majority of homosexuals are not interested in "marriage" or monogamy..."

The two papers I read represent a small population base and, as I have said, I check very infrequently to see if there is an announcement of the marriage or engagement of a same-sex couple. To think that this is somehow representative of the entire homosexual community is absurd.

I too picked up on that and my comment was as follows:-

""Now that is what I call jumping to conclusions.

ONE man reports that HE hasn't seen any reports in HIS LOCAL PAPER, and this is extrapolated by our resident everythingophobe to prove HIS manic contentions about a worldwide group of people who fail to squeeze themselves into the pigeonhole he has so generously provided.

That is a leap deserving of at least an Olympic Gold Medal, maybe even a Nobel prize for Lunacy.

BRAVO!!   I don't think you'll EVER top that example of sheer illogical lack of reasoning.


Come on Ake. You are very selective in what you choose to quote, but ask for accurate response from others.

So take your own advice, QUOTE, DON'T PARAPHRASE, especially since you are pretty crap at maintaining the meaning when you do paraphrase.

Don T.