The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4808   Message #26650
Posted By: McGrath
27-Apr-98 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: Where is Spancil Hill?
Subject: RE: Where is Spancil Hill?
How are ye lads?

It's great to see so much interest in Spancihill.

As Martin pointed out, it's a relatively new song. And he's right again! There is no need for argument. It's a mighty song and that's why it's sung often and has adopted by many and adapted here and there along the way. And shure who gives a tinkers flying spit as long as we all enjoy ourselves and harm nobody.

God! I write so much unneccessary s*#% at times!

I'll have the "full" Spancilhill lyrics by post from Robbie in a couple of days and will add them to this thread upon receipt. (It's a lot longer than the pop version(s) )

Robbie has given me permission to put his address and phone details here for anyone who wants to contact him directly. (But please be mindful of the time differences and don't phone him at unsocial hours.) He has his own cassette tape (no CD yet) which he sells for £5 (1 Irish Pound = US$ 1.38 approx.) plus postage.

Robbie McMahon
Co. Clare

Ph: 065 29874
Ph: 011 353 65 29874 (from the USA)

I promise just to write the words of the song and cut out all the crap in future.

Frank McGrath