The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2665557
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
26-Jun-09 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
""Well Don, If you say if you say no significant effect either way, I will accept that....I never thought homosexual "marriage" would have a negative effect on homosexual promiscuity(can the current figures GET anymore negative?)""

And there you go again Ake. I didn't say that!    YOU DID!!

My response was to the point that if there were no SIGNIFICANT effects, there could be no justification for YOUR health red herring.

So what is your REAL reason for objecting?

""ake, why would you be shooting into a barrel by anwering my questions? i appreciate that you are not insulting me with silence and i understand is very hard to stand against the tide. i applaud that you have the courage to keep your' point of view.

i do not understand it and like i have said before i wish i could understand where you are coming from and why.

It's really very simple Jade. Having been taken to task for insulting you by ignoring your presence, our ill mannered friend has changed tack, and is now insulting you by:-
1). A strong implication that you are his mental inferior, and that it would therefore be unsporting of him to engage you in reasoned argument, and
2). Lumping you in with those of us he refers to as morons.

What it really means is that we ask questions which he cannot answer without exposing his REAL motives, and so he resorts to the kind of ad hominem attack, and vituperation, which he commonly attributes to us half witted liberals.

Don T.