The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2667295
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jun-09 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
"Research has actually shown that those who are androgynous tend to be the most contented."

Interesting point, Dorothy! I think that would be so, because they wouldn't be afraid of showing either side of themselves, so to speak...the "masculine" aspects and the "feminine" aspects.

I've always felt a bit androgenous...that is, I have no trouble recognizing both the masculine and the feminine qualities existing in myself side by side (despite the fact that I am male and heterosexual)...and I feel fine about both archetypes. Seems to me that a truly balanced human being would show both masculine and feminine nature to some extent, and would harmonize the two. This doesn't have to translate into being bisexual or doesn't have to affect sexual choices at all...instead I'm talking about all the various subtle and obvious aspects of a person, not just their sexual preferences. Some people (a very few) even choose to be celibate, don't forget. I don't see why people should be defined so much in the public mind by their sexual choices! Is it really that important?

I have no desire to have sex with men cos they don't physically attract I'm happily heterosexual...but I do see in myself and I value some of the feminine psychological aspects. I consider that an asset, not a liability. It allows me to enjoy life more than I would if I were afraid to show any of that side...and many men are deeply afraid to, so much so that they turn themselves into very defensive, uncommunicative, and emotionally rigid people. They also often tend to be very authoritative people, and you find that in these extreme religious groups. You even find women in that mode! (and to me those women are expressing a lot of their masculine side) I detest authoritarian thinking and rule making, whether it's done by men or by women, and I avoid groups of that sort.