The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121946   Message #2668470
Posted By: heric
30-Jun-09 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Extensive Torture Deaths to be Revealed
Subject: RE: BS: Extensive Torture Deaths to be Revealed
The hypothetical where it might matter and might work and might allow thousands of innocents to be saved is probably a once in a lifetime situation if that. The truth of the matter is you wouldn't trust the government to calculate your taxes for you, or deliver a parcel worth more than $300, or prosecute Ted Stevens, so how in the world can you trust them to torture "the right" person *when* it matters you sure has hell can't. You can't even control them from raping and killing children after all. Just look at the larger picture. And this on overseas adventures not in defense of the homeland.