The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121946   Message #2668479
Posted By: 3refs
30-Jun-09 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Extensive Torture Deaths to be Revealed
Subject: RE: BS: Extensive Torture Deaths to be Revealed
Once is "Murder". Twice is "Double Homicide". Three times is Serial Killing". Any more than that, call it what you will!
To feel that one heart beat stop because of your hand, is a fuck of a lot harder than the 10's 100's or 1000's that might perish because of the finger you press! Tell me a number where you say "NO MORE"!
Please, put up a list, of all of you who don't want me to do whatever it takes to save your life, and I won't ask you to do the same for me!
You ask me to look at the forrest, and I say to you, look at the trees!