The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121946   Message #2668612
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Jul-09 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Extensive Torture Deaths to be Revealed
Subject: RE: BS: Extensive Torture Deaths to be Revealed
You can't give a government official powers to do stuff like torture people, 3refs. If you do, one day they may come for you or someone you love who has done nothing wrong. Don't be surprised when they do. The worm just has to turn the wrong way, and that often happens.

I'm not saying there aren't situations where torture would be justified to save someone's life. Such situations can and sometimes do arise unexpectedly. And if they do, then individual people make those life and death decisions themselves...REGARDLESS of what ANY damned government has to say about it...and they sort out the legal repercussions later.

But DON'T EVER give your government free rein to torture whom it chooses. You will be very sorry one day if you do. Such governments are a curse upon humanity, and history is littered with the bodies of their innocent victims.