The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121902   Message #2668744
Posted By: johnadams
01-Jul-09 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: Chris Walshaw's ABC website relaunched
Subject: RE: abc website relaunched
Tradsinger wrote

Can anyone tell me the best ABC2win to download. I am using the version which is Beta 2.2.14, but it's a bit flaky and prone to throw up error messages all the time. Thanks.

Opinions will vary of course, but my present recommendation for abc software for PC is the French programme ABC Explorer which has collated the best bits of abc software into a single package. My colleague in the Village Music Project, Chris Partington, has translated the manual from French to English and has tested the programme extensively with mostly favourable outcomes. He may well post some comments here himself but in the meantime check out the site.

ABC Explorer