The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121965   Message #2669132
Posted By: M.Ted
01-Jul-09 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Jackson INNOCENT?!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Jackson INNOCENT?!!!
In fact, Kendall, and all, this thread is about the rumors that are floating around the internet that Jordan Chandler, who filed a lawsuit against Michael Jackson in 1993 claiming damages for molestation, has now admitted that the charges were fabricated.

So Kendall's statement, while true, would be irrelevant, since the person who filed the civil complaint, back in 1993, is now saying that the lawsuit that his father filed on his behalf is based was based on false statements and that he was not in fact assaulted by MJ.

That has nothing whatsoever to do with any discussion of the legal meaning of being found NOT GUILTY--

Given that, the "recanting" is only a rumor with no documentation of any kind anywhere--and, since Jordan's I993 civil complaint was accompanied by a detailed sworn statement,
any "recanting" constitutes an admission of perjury, which could result in criminal charges, and an admission of libel, in remarkably large damages could be claimed.

Beyond that, it would be nice if you all took the trouble to read the posts before responding to them--but what's the fun in that?