The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121980   Message #2669329
Posted By: katlaughing
01-Jul-09 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
Well, if we're adding sections, I'd like to see two BS sections: One for the fun, positive stuff and Another for all of the cantankerous/sad stuff like ALL political threads, obits, and the like. I know I could somehow filter them out, but I think they need to be separate. I know of one blues site which flat-out does not allow ANY politics. I know, how can we have a folk/trad site without the protests songs and all. Fine, I understand that, but I have had it up to HERE with the constant political threads and I know I used to be a frequent posters. Bah! Enough, I say! If it is CONTEMPORARY politics BAN it!*bg*