The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121980   Message #2669365
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Jul-09 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
I think your idea of having a Daily Croak section is fabulous, Spaw.

God knows, I live in daily terror that William Shatner will croak before I do...and I wouldn't know how to go on if that happened. Life just wouldn't be the same anymore. The Michael Jackson thing doesn't throw me at all, nor did Farrah Fawcett's exit have any major effect on my mood...but what if Shatner bites the Big One????? Then what? It just doesn't bear thinking about. I should maybe take up some kind of dangerous outdoor hobby so as to improve my chances of "checking out" before the Captain does, eh?

I take comfort in the fact that Winona Ryder, on the other hand, will almost surely outlive me...