The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121985   Message #2669917
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
02-Jul-09 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: ANOTHER de-clutter thread (July 2009)
Subject: RE: BS: ANOTHER de-clutter thread (July 2009)
I don't get an extra day since the holiday falls on a Saturday and I'm a state employee, but I'll probably take tomorrow off and join the rest of the world. :)

Laundry, picking up, etc. De-cluttering the pocketbook paying bills. I hope to report progress around the house over the weekend. It's hot again, so I'll do more work indoors (if I'm smart. . . ) Lots of tomatoes to pick and I'll probably can a few pint jars this weekend just to get a little practice again. I'll be defrosting the big freezer so canning is better now. I want to preserve them at the peak of ripeness and before they start to go downhill.