The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121987   Message #2670425
Posted By: Mitch the Bass
03-Jul-09 - 04:52 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Beaux of London City Morris Men
Subject: RE: Folklore: Beaux of London City Morris Men
I'm in the film! I'd forgotten all about it until I saw the clip.

As far as I remember we were asked, and paid, to go to Paddington Station one evening. The whole sequence filmed involved us wearing bowler hats and carrying umbrellas and brief cases, getting off a train, changing the hats and umbrellas for sticks and morris hats (you can see that at the beginning of the sequence), dancing, then changing back and marching off down the tube. You can see in the last shot that we're wearing different hats.

The dance in the shot is Beaux of London City from Brackley. I can identify a few of the people, John Richie (d) on fiddle, Rod Stradling on accordion, Dancers - Bruce Webley, Graham Cole, Mervyn Clayton, John How (I think) and yours truly, Howard Mitchell, in the horse.
