The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122010   Message #2671325
Posted By: bill\sables
04-Jul-09 - 06:46 AM
Thread Name: Durty Nellies Hull - closed
Subject: RE: Durty Nellies Hull - closed
The Old Pubs - Johnny Handle

Well, when I was a lad, a pub was a pub,
Mahogany tables, sawdust floor,
Nothing fancy, plain enough,
But they don't build pubs like that any more.

They're knockin' 'em down
The old pubs,
Around the town
The old pubs,
Plastic's all the go.

Well, the landlord kept in his cellar well
A pint both heavy and strong,
A place to share your troubles lads
And a place for a bloody good song

Weddings, funerals, births and all,
We wished them all the best.
Good times, bad times, war and peace,
But the old pubs stood the test

But now here all the things have changed,
And the streets are flattened down.
And the people in the pubs have moved away
Out to the edge of town,