The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121965   Message #2672096
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
05-Jul-09 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Jackson INNOCENT?!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Jackson INNOCENT?!!!
Why are you twisting it?

She says that she can't say exactly what she wants to at the moment, more than likely because of the man she was married to at the time, who would probably sue her. Summat's going on there, that's for sure.

Take a step back for a minute.

Imagine that someone hurled that accusation at you, and you were then surrounded by people who enjoyed every moment of telling the world you were guilty, when in actual weren't.

How would it make you feel? Having to live the rest of your life with that image?

If you read Lisa Marie Presley's blog, in one of the threads on here, that I put on a few days back, you'll see her saying that SHE was the one who told Michael to settle out of court, because he was falling apart.

Shortly after that he became addicted to painkillers, and probably loads of other things too.

Imagine that he was innocent...but had to live the rest of his life being labelled a pervert.

And Martin Bashir's interview.

What strikes me as strange about that is...WHY would anyone who WAS a paedophile sit there calmly talking about how they have kids round etc..etc...?

Nope, I'm sticking to the instinct I've always had about this, and that's that Michael only wanted to be surrounded by children, and those adults who, like him, remained child-like, through having their own childhoods stolen, such as Elizabeth Taylor and Mcauley Culkin..
Children never hurt him, adults did.

For Chrissake, the lad was hung upside down and beaten by his father if he didn't get his act right! Geez! And you all expect him to be 'normal' after starting out his life like that?

Why the fooook was his father never prosecuted for that? How the hell can he still be around that family? Dare to hold his head up?
And WHY did Michael's mother never protect him from that man? Why didn't she divorce him then take her children as far from him as possible?

I still believe that he was an innocent man.   A mixed up, muddled up man who'd lost track of reality and normality, because he'd NEVER known either.