The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2672766
Posted By: Ebbie
06-Jul-09 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
There are many sections of society who's "rights" are curtailed due to their behaviour....I am saying this for the millionth time!
"Liberals" would have us believe that "rights" are universal, but they patently are not....nor should they be.

The black man's lobby is strong and controls sports and entertainment generally, they have bullied and coersed the public into a tacit tolerance of integration and will continue to do so....with the help of "liberal" activists until all voices against have been silenced.

Unfortunately for them, social statistics tell a very different story.....that there is something very wrong with integration.

What I am saying is that any further integration of blacks into mainstream society should be put on hold 'till a serious and far reaching medical inquiry into the link between Aids and colour is thoroughly investigated.

Why is Black life expectancy so low compared to the White?
Why do Blacks have such a much greater risk of contracting the disease than Whites? Is it as Don claims......simply "happenstance"?

If you don't care, and want to continue integration are doing no service to Blacks, your political ideals mean more to you than the lives of thousands of people whom you claim to support.
In other words you are a "liberal" devotee of "Doublethink"!