The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2672884
Posted By: jeddy
06-Jul-09 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
isn't it weird that if you swap one or two words that statment takes on a whole new context, well done you.

i have been reading your' posts for a while and even i had to read it twice!!!

i hope that new readers of this will not take you the wrong way as we all know here that you were proving a point, and did it rather well.

i wonder if what you have written has made anyone think? it has me.

ake, re. abortion on demand, the only thing i think is wrong with this, is that young girls have now got it into their heads is that abortions are now a form of birth control. this scares me.
as asked before there are enough unwanted and unplanned pregnancies in the world as it is why would anyone want to force women into keeping the child, would you make exceptions? say if a woman was raped and ended up pregnant? or are you taking about giving birth and then putting the child up for adoption??

why put someone through that? it seems a barbaric thought to me.

no matter what the subject i believe in taking personal responsibility,whether it is sexual health, unplanned pregnancy, or down to the small stuff of how you talk to people and how your actions affect others.

take care all

jade x x x