The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2673350
Posted By: akenaton
06-Jul-09 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Wriggle away, the figures are there in black and white.
All you are saying is that you are right and I am wrong, you have no argument other than to call me a bigot, to equate what I am saying with racism is a sign of desperation and a lack of any clear answer to the points I made and the questions I asked.

Amos says that rights are only curtailed for criminal reasons this is quite wrong. "rights" are often curtailed for medical reasons,
psychiatric reasons, many reasons.

Its not so long since homosexuality was a crime, if the present health figures had been available then, it is probable that it would not have been de- criminalised.

Amos talks about the Natural world, in nature it is common for close relatives of most species to engage in sexual intercourse, yet extremely uncommon for same gender sex to occur.

Humans who engage in incest are criminalised even if they are incapable of having children and there are no other other health risks, yet same sex intercourse is allowed regardless of the huge risks cited in the health figures.

No one in the "mob" has even attempted to explain the homosexual health figures, and these are the crux of my argument, it seems madness to promote homosexuality in society while such a huge question mark hangs over the safety of homosexual practice.