The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122094   Message #2673370
Posted By: Jack Campin
06-Jul-09 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seeking Information About Black Britons
Subject: RE: BS: Seeking Information About Black Britons far back as 1505 we have an African drummer working for James IV in Edinburgh, arranging a dance with dancers in black and white costumes for the Shrove Tuesday festivities.

The primary source for this: Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. It isn't easy to figure out who James was employing, what they were doing for him or why, but it seems pretty clear that he had no trace of racial prejudice against anybody but the English, if that. I haven't yet read the most recent biography of him, which might make more sense of his wildly multicultural court.

From the Battle of Flodden onwards, the days when Scottish kings could afford to run a surrealist harlequinade of exotic foreigners were over. Probably the great majority of the immigrants of the years around 1500 were Gypsies, and after James IV's time they were steadily ground into oblivion.