The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122086   Message #2673435
Posted By: Charley Noble
06-Jul-09 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Johnny Collins (6 July 2009)
Subject: RE: Obit: JOHNNY COLLINS 5 July 2009
What a loss! Condolences to those who really knew Johnny. I met him once at Mystic and have certainly listened to many of his recordings but I hardly knew the man.

But it makes me think of how fragile we all are, and how we need good friends to watch out for us, and warn us when we might be over-extending ourselves. I remember well how a good friend of ours died shortly after a Mystic Sea Music Festival, a few years back, and he was also far too young to die, and was not obviously over weight or otherwise obviously endangered. But we all encouraged him to sing out to the fullest in the after hours sessions, and we share some of the guilt for that indulgence.

I certainly don't know if Johnny had medical issues that he or his friends were aware of. But I do urge folks to tell people who do seem fragile to get some much needed rest, and let the rest of the world roll on!

Of course most of us still believe we're immortal!

And that may be true. ;~)

Charley Noble