The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122035   Message #2673982
Posted By: robomatic
07-Jul-09 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
The erstwhile Soviet Union published "Soviet Life" in English to introduce their Communist wonderland to the American people. It languished on the shelves of the magazine stalls and ended up in copious quantities in US public libraries, a magazine that was almost antiseptic in its cleanliness because it was unopened, unread. (Those who lament the lack of good news in our popular publications, take note). I took Russian in high school, and was planning to visit the Soviet Union, so occasionally I took a gander at its pages. Lots of articles on healthy peasants and good crop yields, and I especially remember one article with questions (presumably from Americans) and answers from those versed in dialectical materialism. I especially remember the question:
"What do you think of political jokes?" I don't remember the words of the answer, except that the editorial staff strove to 'define terms' and go on at some length as to the social ramifications of this kind of humor. Even at a young age I knew the proper American response:

"Political jokes are fine, as long as they don't get elected!"