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Thread #122112   Message #2674077
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
07-Jul-09 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: It's My Night to Howl (cowboy)
Subject: Lyr. Add: The Drunken Desperado
Credited to Baird Boyd

I'm wild and woolly and full of fleas,
I'm hard to curry below the knees,
I'm a she-wolf from Shamon Creek,
For I was dropped from a lightning streak
and it's my night to hollow Whoo-pee!
I stayed in Texas till they runned me out,
Then in Bull Frog they chased me about,
I walked a little and rode some more,
For I've shot up a town before
And it's my night to holler Whoo-pee!
Give me room and turn me loose
I'm peaceable without excuse.
I never killed for profit or fun,
But riled, I'm a regular son of a gun
And it's my night to holler Whoo-pee!
Good-eye Jim will serve the crowd;
The rule goes here no sweetenin' 'lowed.
And we'll drink now to the Nixon Kid,
For I rode to town and lifted the lid
And it's my night to holler Whoo-pee!
You can guess how quick a man must be,
For I killed eleven and wounded three;
And brothers and daddies aren't making a sound
Though they know where the kid is found
And it's my night to holler Whoo-pee!
When I get old and my aim ain't true
And it's three to one and wounded too,
I won't beg and claw the ground;
For I'll be dead before I'm found
When it's my night to holler Whoo-pee!

Copied some time ago from
"Songs of the Cattle Trail and Cow Camp," 1919, John A. Lomax, pp. 43-44.
This from a typed copy, may be an error or so.

I vaguely recall the song from long ago, but not sure it was the same. There may be better versions out there.

Other notes-

Hiram College yell-

Hootin', rootin', goin' shootin',
Sons o' guns o' Hiram.
Wild and woolly and full of fleas,
Never been curried below the knees,
Haltered once but never rode,
Look out for us, we're bad!

Another line used was ring-tailed son-of-a-bitch.
One of the old dime novels credited Davy Crockett with saying something about rding alligators, etc.