The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122094   Message #2674288
Posted By: Azizi
07-Jul-09 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seeking Information About Black Britons
Subject: RE: BS: Seeking Information About Black Britons
meself, the concept of "giving back to the community" is a recurring meme among African Americans. I'm not surprised that this idea is also found among Black Britons.

This idea is more that the individual owes something to the collective which gave her/her birth and nurtured and supported her/him. The concept of "raising (or advancing) the race is also an integral part of this "giving something back to the community" meme. Embedded in this idea is the view that you don't get to be a success on your own and that you should reach back and help others achieve success.

One very familiar saying among African Americans that reflects this viewpoint that the collective is responsible-in part-for the success of a member of that collective-is that a successful person stands on the shoulders of other people. Another familiar saying that reflects the expectation that successful people are supposed to look out for others in their group, is "Each one, teach one".

The reader comments to that Naomi Campbell post provide some clues as how they felt that she could give back to the Black community-by being a good role model to other Black females.

Unfortunately, it appears from those reader comments that they didn't feel that Ms. Campbell is [or was] a good role model.