The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122094   Message #2674578
Posted By: Azizi
08-Jul-09 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Seeking Information About Black Britons
Subject: RE: BS: Seeking Information About Black Britons
Jack, you keep asking questions that I know nothing about. Perhaps other people can respond to your question about whether the

But I'm curious why you mentioned Islam in this thread about Black Britons. Are you implying that there is a large a percentage of Muslims within the Black Briton population? i would be surprised to learn that that percentage is as large as the percentage of Christians in the African American population.

It just occurs to me, Jack, that you might be including Pakistanis and people from what Americans have called "The Middle East" in your definition of "Black Britons".

As a reminder, I indicated in my first post to this thread that I am using the American definition of "Black people" which does not include South Asians unless they have some known biological African ancestry.

Of course, you and others are welcome to extend the discussion to other "minority" populations in Great Britain. However, when doing so it would be helpful if you clarify which definition of "Black" you are using.