The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122136   Message #2674753
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
08-Jul-09 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: I hate dogs
Subject: RE: I hate dogs
G-force, I am so glad to hear that no nerves and probably no tendons are damaged. Meanwhile, you have my heartfelt sympathy. 4 hospital visits in 5 days!

Have you told the docs that you are a musician and will probably need physical therapy after all this?

But you don't just need healing, you need revenge. I suggest you distribute a few copies of a flyer which has a picture of a Weimaraner on it. Then write:

                   PUBLIC SAFETY NOTICE

On [date] a dog such as this was loose on this street and attacked an _____ year-old folk musician. The dog was not provoked in any way. Note the ugly liver color of the coat and the creepy pale eyes.

[G-force, add ten years to your age for better impact.]

We must not be too hasty in blaming the dog. It may have been crazed by hunger and thirst because its owner was too stoned, hung over or mesmerized by pornography to care for it properly.

Nonetheless, be alert for such a dog and take steps necessary to protect yourself, the elderly, and the children.

That should help. Then, accept it that you deserve special treats and coddling. First, think about what you would like. A ride in the country with your favorite CD's playing? An entire batch of homemade cookies, all for you?

Perhaps you would like to sit under an oak tree and listen to traditional music played by your friends. Let them bring you a glass of wine and some sweetmeats.

Whatever it is, start calling in your markers and start the return to life with music.