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Thread #120986   Message #2675546
Posted By: Emma B
09-Jul-09 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Being curious by nature and having a desire to 'know the enemy' I clicked on the BNP link below the thread which Penny referred to

There is some useful stuff there :)

Mobilisation against BNP's Red, White and Blue festival August 15th now underway

Events are heading towards a summer Saturday show-down between the BNP and anti-fascist protestors at the BNP's annual Red, White and Blue rally which falls this year on August 15th near Ripley, Derbyshire.

After the public backlash caused by recently-elected Griffin's televised egg-ing on College Green, we hope the confrontation will not lead to more sympathetic TV coverage for the BNP leader and a huge police costs for hard-pressed Derbyshire taxpayers.

Anti-fascist demonstrators are holding a summit to make their plans. Our advice: don't let this event kick off the sort of summer of violence which would give Griffin the moral high-ground.

The site is titled "There is nothing British about the BNP"

- "Nothing British" is a campaign against the politics of discrimination, segregation and racial supremacy started by Tim Montgomerie and James Bethell.

Tim Montgomerie is a former Conservative Central Office staffer who started ConservativeHome, a British political website, that aims to represent UK grassroots conservative opinion.
James Bethell has stood as a Conservative Party candidate

Neither are members or supporters of the BNP!

"JAMES BETHELL: Why I'm launching an online fightback against the poison of the BNP"

'The argument goes that the BNP rarely make into the headlines on their own steam so if you don't respond to provocation, deprived of the oxygen of publicity they will wither away.
This certainly worked when a few papers and broadcasters held a monopoly on the national and local news media. And many, including those in communities fighting extremism, remain committed to this approach.

But I wonder if the internet has changed all that. The danger is that by not contesting the ground we are giving BNP a walk-over on the critical playing fields of the internet.
That's why we are launching a new online campaign against the BNP ( It does not attack them on traditional grounds favoured by the left: criminality, economic incompetence and general uselessness.

Instead it cuts straight to the main difference between the BNP and all the other parties in Britain. Their determination to deport, one way or another, the non-indigenous population of the UK.

Called 'there's nothing British about the BNP', there is a campaign video, a website and a petition which we will be promoting in the run-up to the elections.
There will be those who argue that this gives the BNP what they want. A fight.
I disagree'

From the Mail Online 15th May 2009