The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122125   Message #2676022
Posted By: Penny S.
09-Jul-09 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: irrational fear
Subject: RE: BS: irrational fear
I have one that is really hampering me. I had vexatious neighbours who sent me obnoxious letters. "Not aggressive, assertive, in order to get things done in a reasonable time". Things that had no legal requirement to be done. (Their point of view is that they did nothing bullying or harassing - banging, parking to make it hard for me to use my garage, other things were not that, and that I drove them from their home by not acceding to their demands.) I have a cramping stomach feel when white window envelopes turn up. They have moved, but remain in ownership and sharers in the management company, so I have to deal with them at times. I was Company Secretary, but they would not communicate at all in the end - they told Companies House something to suggest I was a threat to them. (CH has no record) As if I went around driving cars at them or cutting off their water. I find it really hard to do anything that leads to dealing with them, even when that thing is leading to my liberation. Or anything when having to deal with them has a higher priority than what I need to do for myself. I have to use work rounds such as going into school with my letters to work where others are about.
It is totally ridiculous to let this control persist, but it does.
And, weirdly and irritatingly, my subconscious does its own work rounds, making me drop off to sleep in the day, or feel ill, anything to "protect" me from the damage which was happening when I had to deal with them in the past.