The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23844   Message #267667
Posted By: Joe Offer
30-Jul-00 - 12:05 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Copyright Policy?
Subject: RE: Mudcat Copyright Policy?
Yeah, the official copyright policy for the forum is:
Post what you want to post, and let Max and Dick sort out the copyright problems.
If the song is at another site and you think it should be here, post the lyrics, not just a link (although both a link and lyrics may be better). If the song has already been posted in the database or forum, please don't post it. It's a real drag to get almost done with the hassle of harvesting a song, only to find that the song is already in the database. There are a few rare situations where you might want to post something from the database to serve as basis for a discussion, but that should happen very rarely (and if you do that, please include the stuff from the bottom of the lyrics, so we'll know right off that it's from the database and not come after you with murderous intent...)
Yes, we want tunes, preferaby in Noteworthy, ABC, or MIDI format. If it's a song by Britney Spears, it may take us ten or fifteen years to get around to harvesting it, so maybe you'll want to think twice (and you may want to post just a link to Britney's lyrics). Dick's policy is that he'll take everything that's submitted. Susan and I do most of the harvesting. I admit that there are some songs I just can't get enthusiastic about working on (Britney Spears songs being one example), and I just might leave them for Susan to harvest. And it may well be that Susan leaves some for Dick to harvest.
And Dick is very busy trying to figure out those tunes you guys submit...
Forget it, Britney. You're cute, but we don't want your songs.
-Joe Offer-