The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122191   Message #2677125
Posted By: Ebbie
10-Jul-09 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
Given the types of music I'm involved in, I do a lot of postering. It is true that I use only surfaces meant for that- windows, with the shop owners' permission, inset blank walls where other posters hang, and bulletin boards provided for the purpose.

However, I frequently see posters - for music, yard and garage sales, speakers and meetings - put on poles, construction site walls, even light stanchions. Some of them are ugly - for instance, there is a new band in town that puts its posters up with swatches of bright blue duct tape. I'm sure it is not strictly legal.

BUT if anyone should object, the offender would be very easy to find- by their very nature posters give all the information needed.

I'm sure that the person would be called and warned not to do it in future. I can't imagine being hauled off to court.